📌 AI Startups raise $80M+

BONUS: Perplexity Funding History

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Today’s 1 min recap:

  • Perplexity raises a $73.6M Series B for search

  • Hatz AI raises a $2.5M Seed for an AI platform catering to MSPs

  • Knownwell raises a $2M Seed for enterprise intelligence

  • Sessions raises a $1.6M Seed for meetings co-pilot

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A detailed highlight

Amount: $73.6M 🎉

Valuation: $520M

Round: Series B

Lead Investor: IVP

Perplexity AI aims to reinvent AI-powered search.

They offer a chatbot-like interface allowing users to ask questions in natural language. The platform's AI responds with summaries containing source citations. Users appreciate Perplexity for its speed and accuracy.

In just 13 months, Perplexity has served over 500 million queries and has grown to 10 million monthly active users (MAUs).

Perplexity Pro subscribers, who pay $20 per month, can access various features like image generation, model switching, and a copilot for complex queries.

Amount: $2.5M 🎉

Round: Seed

Lead Investor: Vestigo Ventures

Hatz AI offers a platform that enables MSPs to build an AI-as-a-Service business.

This platform includes AI applications, AI agents, vector storage, and custom Large Language Models (LLMs), all powered by an LLM Ops engine. The platform is managed through a multi-tenant system.

The first release will include an AI Application Builder and Organizationally Managed AI Assistants, with plans to release AI Phone Customer Service Agents and tools for managing vector databases and custom LLMs later in the year.

Amount: $2M 🎉

Round: Pre-Seed

Lead Investor: N/a

Knownwell aims to revolutionize the professional services sector with their AIaaS platform.

They are developing an Intelligent Enterprise Operating System that utilizes AI to provide strategic insights and decision-making assistance to C-Suite executives.

Amount: $1.6M 🎉

Round: Seed

Lead Investor: Earlybird Venture Capital

Sessions aims to revolutionize customer-facing meetings, focusing on enhancing efficiency and productivity.

They offer AI-powered tools to improve meeting dynamics. Features include AI-assisted agenda building, automated transcripts, real-time translations, and smart summaries, aimed at making meetings more engaging and productive.

Other Rounds 🤏

ALIGO AI raises a $0.15M Seed - celebrity image licensing platform

Bonus 🔥

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